Off the Clock

Image of cover of the book "off the clock"Last year, while searching for sage advice about how to get up earlier in the mornings (and go to bed earlier at night), I stumbled across a blog that I really liked from Laura Vanderkam, a writer, author, and time management specialist.  I enjoyed her writing style and candor about life and getting more of the things done that we really want to be known for.  I ended up buying her book, Off the Clock, and then – because I didn’t always make time to read self-help books, her audiobook of the same title.  I’ve listened to it on work trips or just commuting many times – each time picking up another gem.

One of the most useful exercises that I did, encouraged by Vanderkam’s writings was to track my time.  It isn’t as painful as it sounds, and it is revealing.  I could no longer ignore my habits of trying to do one more thing before getting out the door only to make me late :), or ignore the fact that no matter how hard I try – it takes a full hour to get out the door in the morning.  I have learned that the tasks that feel like are “just a few minutes” are often quite typically 2 hours.  The reality check was helpful.

Even if you are the most organized soul around, I do believe you will find this book interesting and inspiring.

Celeste Carmichael is a Program Specialist for CCE Administration and the Communications Chair for the ESP Lambda Chapter.