Retort Module
This module was developed by Cornell University under the supervision of Dr. Datta to be used for better understanding of the Retorting process used in food industry from a perspective of microbial safety. This module has been used in multiple universities already and still being used. This is the most fleshed out and complete module that has been developed in the project as of now. The following table gives detailed information about the module:
Retort Module |
- This module helps the students better understand the microbial inactivation during canning process. This module simulates effect of can of size, time and temperature on inactivation using COMSOL app and helps understand the mode of heat transfer
- Module Learning Objectives
- Student Activities (a summary of what the student will do)
- Instructor Activities (a summary of what the instructor will do)
- How to Access the Module
- The module is available on CANVAS and please contact professor Ashim Datta for access.
- The user needs to login with their preferred account upon prompt after clicking the invitation link sent to the preferred email.
- The Excel Module mentioned in the module is available in the CANVAS module.
- Go through the CANVAS Module to find specific instructions on completing the module.
Thawing Module
This is a new upcoming module which is developed by Cornell University under the supervision of Dr. Datta to be used for better understanding of microbial spoilage and safety during food thawing process relevant for frozen food industry. The following table provides detailed information about the module:
Thawing Module |
- This module helps the students better understand the microbial growth during thawing of frozen food. The module simulates effect temperature, packaging and food size on microbial growth
- Module Learning Objectives
- Student Activities (a summary of what the student will do)
- Instructor Activities (a summary of what the instructor will do)