Module defining
Module learning outcomes are identified at this step.
Rosana will send course syllabus to Ashim indicating where a module might be productively developed; Include learning outcomes for that section if available
Ashim develops a modified list of *module* learning outcomes (based on Rosana’s syllabus) as a draft . Alternatively, Rosana does the same
Rosana revises this draft list of learning outcomes in preparation for module development
Module building (Including module assessment questions)
In this most critical and time consuming step, we are building the simulation software, student instructions and learning outcomes for use of the simulation software, student assessment questions and instructor assessment questions for the module
Based on Rosana’s learning *module* outcomes list, Rosana develops the specification for simulation module (input and output of the simulation module)
Rosana develops a draft of student instructions (these are tutorials and training materials for the module use)
Ashim provides feedback on student instructions, primarily to see how the instructions are consistent among modules
Rosana works with Ashim in developing and validating the simulation software, including its web-based access. Details of this has to be worked out since the software development will likely involve Juneja and an outside software developer. VB in Excel was decided as the software for implementation and it does not need web-access.
Rosana integrates the finalized student instructions with the software
David (together with Ashim) develop student assessment questions.
David (together with Ashim) develop instructor assessment questions
Glenn provides feedback on draft student and instructor assessment questions
Ashim implements these questions in a web-based survey and integrates with module as needed
Module setup and piloting
Here Rosana goes through the piloting process where students of similar background tries out before implementing in class
Rosana (not the end user, i.e., not the undergraduate student) tries out the module and provides feedback
Rosana attaches a plan (how students will access, what dates, any special needs, etc.) for module implementation
Rosana locates and assigns pilot users (typically volunteer students)
Rosana provides Ashim (attach to this to do item) with written feedback of important items learnt from piloting
Rosana and Ashim reviews the piloting experience
Rosana (some Ashim) makes the needed changes (based on piloting experience) in student instruction, simulation module, student assessment and instructor assessment
Module implementation and assessment
Here the Rosana implements the module in a class, collects student assessment and provides instructor assessment
Rosana implements the module with the help of TA, as needed.
Rosana collects his Student Assessment (from the survey website) and posts (not emails) here
Rosana does the Instructor Assessment within one week of the deadline for Student Assessment above and posts (not emails) here.
Rosana attaches here a list of changes to be made for the next year’s implementation and assessment
Ashim looks over the student assessment, instructor assessment and changes from Rosana for any possible comments
Rosana and Ashim go over all materials and finalize changes to be made
Ashim schedules a mid term conference call for everyone in the project for discussion on the first round of implementation
Module implementation and assessment for the second time (This is optional for Rosana–it would be nice if she can; otherwise, Ashim will take care)
This step is pretty much the same as the previous one–its starting point is the feedback concluding the previous implementation
Ashim makes the changes agreed upon from the previous implementation and notifies
Ashim implements the module for the second time.
Ashim collects Student Assessment (from survey website) and posts
Ashim does the Instructor Assessment within one week of deadline for Student Assessment and posts
Ashim provides a list of changes to be made for further implementation and assessment, by any instructor
Ashim and Rosana go over all materials and finalize changes to be made
Module implementation and assessment by a collaborating person (to be identified)
This step is same as above but is only for the Collaborator (as defined in the project)–for this module, it is a collaborator to be identified (it was not in the project). Others showing interest could get added.
Rosana and Ashim identifies a collaborator who is willing to implement this module
Collaborator implements the module. Rosana and Ashim will be available for assistance
Collaborator collects Student Assessment (from website) and posts here
Collaborator does the Instructor Assessment and posts here
Collaborator provides a list of changes to be made for further implementation and assessment by others
Ashim follows up with collaborator discussing the changes to be made