Conversations in Digital Humanities at Cornell
The DSPS-cosponsored “Conversations in Digital Humanities” discussion series is successfully underway, with two events this month and two planned for April.
We began the Conversations in Digital Humanities series this year, in partnership with Olin and Uris Libraries, The Society for the Humanities, and the Central New York Humanities Corridor, with additional support from the Cornell Department of Architecture and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The series invites speakers whose research and practice break new ground in understanding how media and digital methodologies change the landscape of research, teaching, learning, creative expression, and cultural experience.
Our goal is to provide a discussion forum for scholars and practitioners whose projects explore the intersections of advanced digital technology and cultural understanding. We’re excited to be engaging a broad community of interest that reaches across disciplinary and institutional lines.
Please see the full series program here for more information about past and upcoming events.
We’re currently planning the 2013-2014 series and welcome suggestions for speakers.