
Less resource-intensive new product/process development, faster time-to-market performance, and high-quality innovation are the eventual goals in building and compiling these digital resources for the food industry. These tools will provide more universal access to obtaining “what-if” scenarios in product/process design, allowing more front-end work that will become cheaper, faster, and better for a range of industry sizes.  In education, some of these tools will enable discovery mode and deeper insight into food material science, and more complex and multidisciplinary thinking in product/process interactions in quality development.

Three groups of resources available are:

  1. A food properties knowledge base that provides access to the widest possible range of food properties to anyone, anytime, anywhere;
  2. A process simulation apps collection to guide food processors and manufacturers toward the most effective process improvement approaches
  3. An annotated visualization library representing the most complex food processes, providing mechanistic insight and thus pathways to optimizing product/process development.

This is being built as a community resource. They will all be crowdsourced. We hope to be transformative and capacity building.

Predict Food Properties

Click here to predict a physical property like dielectric property for 50,000+ foods and your custom composition, useful in industrial product/ process design, and in exploring food as a material.

Predict Safety and Quality

Perform “what if” scenarios for quality and safety prediction in various process and product combinations here.

Visualize complex food processes

crowdsourced site of annotated videos from experimental observations

Visualize and understand complex products and processes for the design/ improvement of novel products in industry and for supplementing food science/ engineering education.