The text was created for the broad-based biological engineering curricula. It has heat and mass transfer in the context of human and animal systems, plant systems, the bioenvironment, and bioprocessing. Emphasis is on problem-solving with transport as a vehicle. |
There are ~900 slides that I combine with chalkboard use. I have shared these slides with faculty teaching such a course. They follow the sequence in the above text. |
Active Learning: Developing problem-solving skills through guided activity sheets. These are used in weekly hour-long problem-solving sessions. The activity sheets engage students, allow working in a group, improve learning, and are liked by students. I welcome collaboration in using these. |
Active learning-enabled, MOOC platform-based problem-solving content for all the chapters and lecture material for some of the chapters. Built-in quizzes assess learning and provide instant feedback that is known to help in learning. I can look into allowing other instructors in using the material. |
A 600+ page solutions manual containing solutions to all problems is available for the instructors using the textbook above. If you are an instructor using this text, write to me if you need a copy. |
A booklet of many formulas, data, and plots for use during exams. |