Recent Dairy Research Publications – March 2022

CARLIN, CATHARINE R., SHERRY ROOF, and MARTIN WIEDMANN. “Assessment of Reference Method Selective Broth and Plating Media with 19 Listeria Species Highlights the Importance of Including Diverse Species in Listeria Method Evaluations.” Journal of Food Protection 85, no. 3 (December 2, 2021): 494–510.

Chen, Tong, Renato H. Orsi, Ruixi Chen, Maureen Gunderson, Sherry Roof, Martin Wiedmann, Sara E. Childs-Sanford, and Kevin J. Cummings. “Characterization of Listeria Monocytogenes Isolated from Wildlife in Central New York.” Veterinary Medicine and Science n/a, no. n/a. Accessed February 18, 2022.

Lin, Tiantian, Gopinathan Meletharayil, Rohit Kapoor, and Alireza Abbaspourrad. “Bioactives in Bovine Milk: Chemistry, Technology, and Applications.” Nutrition Reviews 79, no. Supplement_2 (December 8, 2021): 48–69.

Qian, C., N. H. Martin, M. Wiedmann, and A. Trmčić. “Development of a Risk Assessment Model to Predict the Occurrence of Late Blowing Defect in Gouda Cheese and Evaluate Potential Intervention Strategies.” Journal of Dairy Science, January 25, 2022.


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