What Is An Apprentice Program, And How Can Your Plant Benefit From One?


“Apprenticeship program” is a term that gets thrown around frequently, but what does it actually mean, and how is it beneficial? Our Dairy Foods Extension and Harvest New York teams have spoken with the Manufacturer’s Alliance of Central New York (MACNY) to discuss how apprenticeship programs can be useful for New York dairy processors in closing the skills gap.

MACNY is an organization that assists businesses with navigating the logistics and documentation side of an apprenticeship program. Our teams and MACNY have identified a maintenance mechanic track as having potential for dairy processors in the near future. There are two options for apprenticeship programs: first is an Accelerated Apprenticeship Program (AAP). In an AAP, businesses tell MACNY how many employees are needed for a certain apprenticeship track (for example, maintenance mechanics). When enough employers request enough maintenance mechanics to guarantee at least 10-15 new hires, MACNY will assist in locating and screening potential employees. They then host a career night where interested businesses meet potential employees to find the ones best suited for each business, similar to speed dating. The employees that are matched and hired go through a six-week boot camp, followed by on-the-job training.

An AAP is an attractive options if several dairy and/or food plants are willing to consolidate their needs and commit to bringing on developing employees.

The other option is a Registered Apprenticeship (RA). The purpose of an RA is to enroll an existing employee or new hire to build up an existing workforce. With this option, businesses work directly with MACNY to determine a path for employees. In order for an RA to be effective, five components are necessary:

    1. Business Involvement
    2. Structured on-the-job training
    3. Related instruction
    4. Wage reward for gained skills
    5. National Occupational Credentials

If your organization is interested in learning more about apprenticeship program options, please reach out to MACNY at 315-474-4201, or Anika Zuber at adz8@cornell.edu

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