Dairy Certificate Program Advisory Council

Our dairy foods certificate program has steadily grown over the years to serve the dairy industry. In 2017 we have grown to a point where we are offering certificates in 4 key areas of dairy processing. Our team works toward providing information and training programs to the dairy production and processing sectors. In order to be as progressive as possible we have formed a Dairy Certificate Advisory Council. The council is comprised of 19 individuals from a large spectrum of the industry. Representatives include regulatory, large and farmstead organizations. The primary functions of the council are to provide perspectives on trends and technical needs in areas pertaining to food processing, preservation, safety, quality, and regulations; to help evaluate Cornell’s Dairy Food Certificate Program and to suggest any other potential future workshops that the council feels would be beneficial to the Industry.


We are looking forward to gaining the council’s input on our present and future programming as it pertains to industry needs. While this council will be a great step for us, we encourage all individuals to reach out to us at any time with suggestions for current or future programming.

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