2016: Dairy Foods Extension Year in Review

The dairy foods extension team had a busy year. Between conducting our core training courses and delivering the FSPCA Preventive Controls for Qualified Individuals training, we saw an increase in attendance for our programs. While many of our courses are conducted on campus, we delivered 11 on-site courses at different facilities this past year. These on-site trainings contributed to a total of 38 courses conducted in 2016. These programs provided us with a grand total of over 1200 attendees, 715 hours of training, and over 23,770 contact hours.

Our relationships with other universities and organizations continue to grow. We are happy to report that in June, we connected with our partners at Oregon State University to conduct our 2nd Dairy Science and Sanitation Course in Oregon. We view these types of partnership as being a critical part of delivering on our mission: to help farmers, business owners, and consumers in New York State and beyond to produce safe, healthy, and wholesome foods. In this day in age, commerce does not stop at state lines, and by building relationships with other Universities and organizations, we are assisting in the production of safe, healthy and wholesome dairy foods for the entire dairy industry.

When we look into 2017, we will continue to work with individual facilities to meet their training needs and coordinate on-site workshops. We will also build new relationships and continue to foster existing relationships with our partner organizations in order combine our resources and help the dairy industry to the best of our ability. If you have any questions about our programming or would like information regarding on-site training, please contact lmf226@cornell.edu.

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