Steve Murphy Retires


Steven C. Murphy joined the Department of Food Science as a research technician following graduation from Cornell in 1979.  He specialized in Dairy Chemistry and microbiology, joining the extension team in 1991 to manage the statewide milk quality shelf-life program.  Through his sampling and remedial activities the flavor and keeping quality improved substantially.  He was promoted to Senior Extension Associate in 2003, (a faculty level rank) a position he held until the time of his retirement this summer.  In addition to his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (1979), Steve earned a Masters Degree in Food Science (1997), both from Cornell University.

Over the years, Steve has been an active member of many professional societies.  They include, the New York and International Associations for Food Protection, National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments, National Mastitis Council, and the Dairy Practices Council.   His editorial activities included serving on the editorial board of Food Protection Trends and participating in invited reviews for the Journal of Dairy Science.

Steve received many awards and recognition.  Most recently, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Milk Control Director’s award (in recognition of dedication and appreciation for service to the Dairy Industry, and the Division of Milk Control) He also received the highest awards from the New York State Association for Food Protection, the Dairy Practices Council, the Future Farmers of America and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell.

While Steve retires from Cornell University after 37 years of dedicated service, he will keep his relationship with the Dairy Industry at the highest level.  This fall he will move on to become Executive Vice President of the Dairy Practices Council, a national organization dedicated to bringing uniformity to dairy standards and regulations throughout the United States.






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2 thoughts on “Steve Murphy Retires

  1. Dave Blomquist

    Steve has been a great resource at Cornell and an excellent resource for dairy quality and food safety. I Cornell’s loss is the Dairy Practices Council’s gain. Good luck Steve!

  2. Khair un nisa Salman

    Congratulation on your retirement, your experience, knowledge, dedication and presence will be sorely missed, specially in the seminars and workshop of Agriculture Market Department I used to attend.
    Thank You for your dedicated services for Dairy Industry.
    Best of Luck for rest of your future.

    Dr, Khairun Nisa Salman
    Noga Dairy

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