Dairy Day in Albany

Thanks to the support of Senator Ritchie and Assemblyman Magee, Dairy Day was held in Albany on June 15. Dairy Day is meant to showcase the dairy industry in New York State to the public and legislators. Being that June is the official Dairy Month, it is a great time to showcase what the industry and industry organizations have to offer. Harvest New York and Dairy Foods Extension were present, and demonstrated the process of making cheese curd in a crock pot. This was a great educational exercise that exhibited the general process of milk coagulation, and both the public and legislators were excited to see milk chemistry at work. Cornell’s own Big Red Cheddar Cheese and chocolate milk was handed out. This event was open to the community, and was a great time to illustrate the importance of our training and support programs that benefit dairy industry in New York State.

Rob Ralyea and Anika Zuber spoke to the importance of  Dairy Foods Extension and Harvest New York. With Cornell Dairy Foods Extension’s expertise in the technical aspects of dairy foods manufacturing and Harvest New York’s goal of economic development, there have been many successes with workforce training programs through Dairy Foods Extension Workshops and through the services offered through Cornell’s incubator program.

dairy day

Anika Zuber Explaining the process of making cheese curd

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Rob Ralyea (Dairy Foods Extension), Senator Patty Ritchie and Anika Zuber (Harvest New York)

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