Composting and Mortality Composting On-Demand Webinars

Live webinars are over, but have been recorded and are AVAILABLE ON DEMAND at the urls below.

Webinar 1 – Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 2:00pm eastern/1:00pm central

Composting – The basics.

The webinar will provide viewers with an understanding of the principles of successful composting of animal manure, bedding, food wastes and other types of organic material.  Composting is a known strategy for management of animal manure as part of the agricultural waste management system.  The principles of proper composting will be discussed.  Discussions will also include the composting process, trouble shooting techniques, what is considered compost, how properly composting organic waste impacts food safety.

This webinar is available on demand at: 

Webinar 2 – Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 2:00pm eastern/1:00pm central

Composting – Animal Mortality

The webinar will provide viewers with an understanding of the principles of successful composting of animal mortality in routine and emergency situations.  Mortality composting is a known strategy of the agricultural waste management system.  The principles of proper mortality composting will be discussed.  Discussions will also include the composting process, trouble shooting techniques, what is considered compost, how properly composting animal mortality impacts biosecurity.

This webinar is available on demand at: