
Related Guidelines1: WCAG 1.4.1, WCAG 1.4.3, WCAG 2.1.1, WCAG 2.4.4, WCAG 3.2.4

Whenever possible, we recommend using descriptive text for each link. For example, try to avoid using the full URL or generic phrases like “Read More” or “Link Here.” This is because a screen reader will not be able to give students a sense of where the link will take them or why it may be useful.

Instead, try to provide students with simple text that tells them what kind of information they’ll access when they click on the link (e.g., use About Cornell University instead of “Read More” or

Sometimes you may also find yourself including multiple links to the same resource. If this happens, try to be as consistent as possible.

Link with Descriptive Text

For example:

  • Use the same link text for each instance, so students know they will be going to the same place.
  • If the links are right next to each other, remove them and use one link.

If you’re changing the colors of text in your document, we recommend using a color contrast checker tool. For more on this, review Color Contrast.

Whenever possible, try to make links distinguishable from the rest of the text with more than just color. For example, underline the links so students know that they are active.

Tip: Links are a different color than the body text and underlined by default in most tools. As a result, you likely won’t have to make any changes if using the default styling.

Keyboard Navigation

In general, learners should be able to navigate to each link using the TAB, arrow keys, and/or other keyboard shortcuts, and activate the links using the ENTER, RETURN, or SPACE keys. For a document, this is called being “keyboard navigable,” and it’s especially important for students who, for a variety of reasons, may be unable to use a mouse or trackpad.

If the only way to navigate to or activate the link is with the mouse, the resource may not be keyboard navigable.

Specific Tools

Google Docs

Here are two ways to enter links in a Google doc:

Version 1

The first option is an automated way that makes your URL the title of the linked website. It will read the URL you’ve pasted into the Doc and ask if you wish to switch it to the title of the website.

Note: Since this is a new feature, it may not pull the title immediately or correctly. Because of this, try to always double-check that the link is active.

Here are the steps to make the URL the title of the linked website:

  1. Copy the URL of the link you want to add from the source.
  2. Paste the URL into the Google Doc where you want the title to appear.
  3. Select “Yes” next to “Replace URL with its title” on the dialogue box that appears beneath the URL.
Google Docs, Replace URL with its title?
Image in a Google Doc with the “Replace URL with its title” Option

Version 2

The second option is a multi-step process that works as a backup in case the title is not auto-generated, or when you want to link text that’s not the title of the document.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Copy the URL of the link you want to add from the source.
  2. Type text that describes the resource into the Google Doc.
  3. Highlight that text.
  4. Click the Insert Link icon.
  5. Paste the URL into the designated field.
  6. Click Apply.
Insert link icon in Google Docs
Insert Link Icon in the Google Doc Toolbar
Microsoft Word

Here’s how to enter links in a Microsoft Word document:

  1. Copy the URL of the link you want to add from the source.
  2. Type text that describes the resource into the Word document.
  3. Highlight that text.
  4. Click the Link icon.
  5. Paste the URL into the Address field.
  6. Click OK.
Link icon in Microsoft Word
Link Icon in the Microsoft Word Tool Ribbon


Accessibility Checker

Some programs can help you to search for and track accessibility errors. The following Microsoft products have an Accessibility Checker that generates a list of accessibility errors:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • Outlook
  • OneNote
  • PowerPoint

Please note: While we encourage you to make use of accessibility checkers, this technology is not perfect and cannot flag all errors. Because of this, if possible, we recommend doing a manual review as well.

More information

For more detailed information about the accessibility checker in Microsoft Word, see Microsoft’s Improve Accessibility with the Accessibility Checker.


Who benefits from these strategies?

These strategies can benefit many learners. However, these strategies are often essential for learners who

Finally, these strategies are also helpful for learners who are short on time and need to be able to find links quickly; those using mobile devices; and those using certain browser plugins and add-ons.

Why is it important for your resource to be keyboard navigable? 

Some individuals either cannot use a mouse or it takes them a long time to do so. There are many possible reasons why this may be. For example, they may have a lack of fine motor control due to tremors or they may have little or no use of their hands. However, many are still able to interact with their devices and the web using the keyboard, perhaps in conjunction with some assistive technologies, if materials are designed in an accessible way.

  1. These links are to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) associated with the strategies on this page. Review Our Approach for more information about WCAG.