The three Cornell fellowship recipients for this year, Megan Joyce, Sinan-Saleh Kassam, and Nicole Tu-Maung, are all highly accomplished seniors in the ESS major. Over the winter break, they joined expeditions in Belize studying, filming, sampling and tagging sharks; in Peru, cruising the Amazon surveying and conserving otters, dolphins, monkeys and a vast richness of biodiversity; and in South Africa working closely with the endangered White Rhinoceros, contributing to their management and conservation. “These experiences were fun, engaging, informative, and most of all, influential in the world of conservation and sustainable engagement with the environment,” said Megan. This sentiment captured the thrill and enthusiasm shared by Nicole, who said it was “…powerful, emotional and fascinating,” and Sinan, who summarized the expedition as amazing and an awesome experience. All three seniors also served as excellent ambassadors for the Cornell community, expanding our growing influence in the realm of global conservation.