Places to visit around Bangkok – Part 2

Post by Swati Srivastava:

Hello, most of you are already here in Bangkok and enjoying the flavors of Bangkok. So in continuation to Deepi’s blog here are few other interesting places to visit around the Bangkok:


Hua Hin: Hua Hin is a beautiful beach destination close to Bangkok, in the district of Petchaburi province. The distance between Bangkok and Hua Hin is about 144.32 kilometers (89.68 miles). One can reach Hua Hin by air or road. By Taxi it takes about 2 to 3 hours to reach Hua Hin. The island has some beautiful pristine beaches, caves and waterfalls. It is a quite preferred destination for families. Hua Hin has some very premier beach resorts, world-class golf courses, finest seafood restaurants, Buddhist temples, beaches offering water sports and really good massage parlors. Some of the other major attractions of Hua Hin are Royal Palace, Night Market and National Park. While I was researching on historic significance of this popular site I learned that Hua Hin Hotel Siam was the first luxury hotel in the town! Do not miss visiting Hua Hin Train Station, it is located near the city centre and was built during the reign of King Rama VI. Originally the train station was a popular transportation used by the European expatriates from Penang and Singapore to visit Hua Hin for a beach holiday. Hua Hin Train Station was also ranked number eight in Newsweek’s 2009  ‘Best Station. Here are some pictures of the mesmerizing Hua Hin

Koh Samui: Koh Samui is 477 kilometers (296 miles) away from Bangkok. It is one of the unique most island in Thailand which is on top list of the tourists as well as business (MICE) travelers. Some of the best luxury resorts and villas are nestled on this beautiful island. The Northern coast of Koh Samui is famous for Big Buddha shrine. Some major attractions in Koh Samui are Namuang waterfall, Ladyboy cabre shows, Mummy Monk, Samui aquarium with tiger show and National Marine Park.

Suan Phung: Suan Pheung is 129 kilometers (80 miles) from Bangkok. This popular destination is famous for picturesque mountains and Mediterranean themed resorts. Some of the major attractions are Pong Yoop, Local Museum, Sirikit Forest Garden and Hot Spring. Suan Phung is a weekend and a daytime destination so does not expect any nightlife there as found in some other destinations.

Kanchanaburi: Kachanaburi is relatively a modern province and located where river Kwai Yai and river Kwai Noi merge. Kanchanaburi is about 111 Kilometers (69 miles) from Bangkok. One can reach there by bus train or taxi. The Thai-Burma Death Railway is an iconic legacy and its history dates back to World War II. Kanchanaburi houses seven national parks, Beautiful and Thailand’s best waterfalls, Hidden caves and all this underscored by blissful river backdrop.

The best time to visit the city is from November to February, when it a little colder as compared to other months. Some other a must visit attractions are: Sai Yok National Park, Prasat Muang Singh Historical Park and Wat Tham Sua.

Koh Chang: Koh Chang famous for its emerald colored ocean, white sandy beaches is 280 kilometers (174 miles) from Bangkok. One can reach there by train or ferry. It is the second largest island of Thailand and is surrounded by waterfalls and rainforest. The water surrounding the island is ideal for scuba diving and a lot of colorful corals can be found there. Koh Chang has a rich nightlife culture with a plenty of beach cafes, pubs, restaurants and clubs. Some of things to do in Koh Chang are: Bird watching, Boat trips, Elephant riding and trekking.

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