We are Stratus

The Stratus Team is composed by four undergraduate students from University of Colorado, Denver. We will start from now to post status updates of our project, which will be presented in the Intel-Cornell Cup 2015 finals, at NASA Kennedy Space Center, FL. For those who are stopping here for the first time, here is the project description:

Team Stratus - University of Colorado Denver

The field of computer vision seeks to develop machines with the capabilities to perform tasks that currently can only be performed by humans. Important aspects of human vision such as the ability to identify obstacles, plan paths around them, learn from one’s surroundings, in real time, area crucial to many societal uses of technology. Each year, computer systems running complex vision software collectively step closer to emulating each stage of human vision. However, accurate and efficient computer systems have always been obstacles to integrating greater amounts of automated robotics to help people. To enable next-generation robotics to perform field sensing in dangerous and remote environments, Stratus will deploy a sophisticated real-time Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm to provide precise odometry, high-resolution 3D environmental maps, and awareness of specific adverse environments. The Stratus team will investigate the use of 3D sensing and computer vision technology available for mobile platforms and design custom algorithms that trade-off execution time, accuracy, and power efficiency. Overall, the goal is to demonstrate a large-scale near-field mobile 3D mapping system to aid in rapid disaster recovery and environmental analysis scenarios. Specifically, Stratus will aid in surveying Colorado Rocky Mountain rock slides and avalanche areas.

We also encourage you to check the Project Overview and Team member on left menu.

Thank you all, and new status updates are coming soon!

Antonio Duarte

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