Status of global fisheries readings and debate topic

We’ll kick off class discussion with readings from the Status of global fisheries topic.  Readings are:

Module week 1 (9/6/16): Have we fished down marine food webs?

  1. Pauly D, Christensen V, Dalsgaard J, Froese R, Torres F. 1998. Fishing down marine food webs. Science 279: 860-863.
  2. Branch TA, Watson R, Fulton EA, Jennings S, McGilliard CR, Pablico GT, Ricard D, Tracey SR. 2010. The trophic fingerprint of marine fisheries. Nature 468: 431-435.
  3. Sethi SA, Branch TA, Watson R. 2010. Global fishery development patterns are driven by profit but not trophic level. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 107: 12163-12167.

Module week 2 (9/13/16): Has fishing depleted the oceans?

  1. Worm B, Barbier EB, Beaumont N, Duffy JE, Folke C, et al. 2006. Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science 314: 787-790.
  2. Worm B, Hilborn R, Baum JK, Branch TA, Collie JS, et al. 2009. Rebuilding global fisheries. Science 325: 578-585.
  3. Branch TA. 2008. Not all fisheries will be collapsed in 2048. Marine Policy 32: 38-39.

Module week 3 (9/20/16): How is the issue perceived by decision makers and the public?

  1. Stokstad E. 2009. Détente in the fisheries war. Science 324: 170-171.
  2. Hilborn R. 2006. Faith-based fisheries. Fisheries 31: 545-555.
  3. Sala E. 2010. Glimpses of a pristine ocean. TED talk.
  4. Optional:  Jackson J. 2010. How we wrecked the ocean. TED talk.

Debate claim for the week 3 one hour debate (9/20/16):
Overfishing is the greatest anthropogenic threat to ocean ecosystems and has potential for greater impact than all other anthropogenic stressors combined which include climate change, pollution, invasive species, and habitat destruction, etc.

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