Meltdown and Spectre vulnerability

It’s all over the news – the CPU bug that affects Intel (and AMD, some ARM, etc). There are actually several vulnerabilities with different scopes and different patches are needed. Some of the issues can’t be fixed by patching the Operating System (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX). They’re actually in the browser software or the like. So look out for patches to Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

So what does this all mean?

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Beware “Locky’s” Malicious Macros.

Ransomware has been common for a while, and it has been somewhat simple for users to avoid it by not opening random .exe’s from the internet. However, this sort of malware continues to increase in sophistication, and now has brought back the infected Microsoft Office document. So you should now increase your suspicion of attached .docx etc files. This sort of attack is spreading across OSs as well, some are out for Mac OSX and Linux, so don’t think you can’t be infected because you don’t use Office. It’s a good idea to scan any files you download from the net and save and scan, rather than directly open, any e-mail attachments.

Beware! ‘Locky’s’ malicious, macros is a new crypto-ransomware that could be arriving in your inbox today. Recently, security researchers have discovered that a new type of malware exists, named ‘Locky.’ One way that ‘Locky’ installs itself and its components on your computer is through e-mail, in the form of an attached invoice. The e-mail’s subject line is an invoice number beginning with the letter J.
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