Scientific Linux 7 desktop at Work

I’ve been using Scientific Linux 7.1 at work for a couple of weeks now. If you’ve been using SL7 as a desktop, or are interested in moving this way, the CLASSE IT Group can help you with some of its configuration. This post will also give some ideas of tasks that are useful at work and at home. I’ll post about using it at home a little later on.

In general, one of the great things for me personally while working in the lab, is getting experience with this recent operating system on my desktop. There are many tasks that are just as easily performed on Linux as they are on Windows. Therefore, I am going to document my process, overall issues and solutions in this blog post. Although I won’t be providing step-by-step instructions, you can contact the CLASSE computer group if you would like help configuring your Linux desktop at the lab.
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First Look: Scientific Linux 7

We’re just starting to take a look at implementing a CLASSE Managed Scientific Linux 7 configuration. We’ve made some progress in preparing our deployment, as well as updating our management platform to work with SL7 software and evaluating the configuration differences between SL7 and SL6.

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