Week 2: Beginning Field Balances , Ag. Task Force, and Connecting with SHI!

This week began with diving into the NMSP field balance project where I was able to sort through data to find the appropriate values needed to input into the balances and understand where the data is coming from.  Aside from working on the field balances, we were able to get out to do more soil sampling! This was a great week to collect samples as the soil was moist from the rainfall we encountered this week.

Also this week, I was able to attend an Ag. Task Force meeting at Bowman Lumber with CCE and others involved with agricultural education and policy.  Here we talked about the lumber industry including methods and the labor it takes to run the mill.  We then received a tour of the plant.  Pictured below is a part of the line where full logs are being cut into boards.


In addition to all the work activities, the NMSP team was able to meet up with a former member, Karl Czymmek, and members of the Soil Health Institute over dinner in the park.  This was a great opportunity to connect with others working in a related field and gain a further understanding of their work.  As I continue through this internship, it has allowed for networking from all areas of interaction.

      NMSP team with Karl and the SHI group.