Tips for Starting Garden Seeds Indoors

Spring is here and it’s time to start germinating those seeds your drooled over in seed catalogs this winter.  If you are lucky enough to have a sunny windowsill, fluorescent growth lighting or a greenhouse, there is no better way to get a head start and have an abundance of plants, for a nominal price.  But seed starting is a skill that requires your attention.  Water, light, heat and oxygenation need to be considered when starting seeds indoors.  Many seeds can be sown directly outdoors but many are more productive when started inside.  You won’t be disappointed if you follow some basic steps.

You can purchase seed starting trays or save money by creating seed starting containers from egg cartons, rolled newspaper, paper towel or toilet paper rolls, paper cups and even egg shells.

The first step to successful seed starting is to purchase high quality seed from a reputable seed vendor and choose seeds that are recommended for your locale. Clean, sterile containers and soil media are essential, as are controlled temperature, moisture and lighting. Consider investing in a germination warming mat that can be used for many years.  Your seed packets contain information about the accurate amount of light for successful germination and when to start indoors.  You will probably have to transplant your small seedlings to larger pots to encourage growth.  Don’t forget to ‘harden off’ the seeds before planting outdoors and have FUN!


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Blog submitted by:
Beth Lisk
CCE Schuyler Master Gardener volunteer