Spring is in the air, time to get plants in the ground

vegetablesThe University of Utah Cooperative Extension offers several free downloadable 4-H curriculums this one features the basics on plant science, soil types, watering, and bed ideas. It also explains how to set up a 4-H club, this part can be skipped and you can make this a family project, or a neighborhood project. I think this is a great place to start if you have younger children who will be involved in the gardening process. The second resource dives deeper into where, how, and why certain plants should be planted together or apart. It offers choices about bedding options, vertical gardening, starting your own plants or choosing plants from a local grower. Whether you choose to start a small beginner’s garden or plan to expand on an existing garden check out this information to maximize your efforts and increase your harvest. Keep watching here for how to properly preserve your harvest later in the season.

Junior Gardener Club.pdf


Brought to you by:
Lisa Shrout
4H Educator