Third week

The third week of my internship this summer I was busy tabling for 4-H in different events. On Tuesday I tabled at the Westside Market, I had a small arts and craft activity for the kids and spoke about what 4-H is about. In addition I was also present in the Juneteenth event in the Agape Haven of Abundance where I talked about 4-H and entertained the youth. This week was also the last meeting of UNITY in the Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School. We had a pizza party and finished painting the birdhouses.

I also became involved in another project in the office. A summer employment opportunity for local youth called Cultivating Communities. I am now involved in developing curriculum to develop the youth’s life skills. This will include everything from resume writing to cooking classes to CPR/First aid training. I am extremely excited about this new project and everything that comes with it.