Week 6: Exploring New Gardens!

This week I am in Denmark, so I decided to take a look around at some of the unique gardens here.

Here, outside of an apartment complex, you can see that the entire lawn has been raised a couple of feet. In addition to what is pictured here, there are ramps made of grass. This type of landscaping could make gardens (and gardening) more accessible to people of all abilities. Coupled with the right assortment of plants, this could be a helpful attribute for therapeutic gardens.

Here, a beautiful grove of trees shows the importance of both sun and shade in a play space.

Below you see a garden with plants growing on every level, from grasses and shrubs, to vines and trees. In this garden, the trees provided ample shade and wind effects. Vines gave this garden an enchanted feel, while the shrubs filled in any empty visual space. The plants and water feature, coupled together, had a prominent calming effect.