Week 8

This week I went to Oko farms to set the insect traps for the first time, since in June the farm was still getting built, (which I helped with as a volunteer) and thus it was not ready for traps to be set then. Oko farms is set in a beautiful location right next to the water in Williamsburg, and includes an aquaponics system, which differentiates it from the other farm locations:

Oko farms beds and aquaponics system              Oko farm's beds

One concern that my supervisors and I had was their honeybee nest, as we worried that the pan traps might catch a lot of their honeybees, but I talked to the growers and they supported putting the pan traps in anyway, and they ended up not catching any of the honeybees so it was not an issue. Here are pictures of the set traps:

Yellow and blue pan traps next to crops       Pitfall trap placed in a raised bed

In the traps we found some lacewings and large wasps, which are beneficial insects we had not found before, and thus very cool to find. Here are some close-up pictures of the lacewings and wasps:

Lacewing Wasp