Youth Scholarship Opportunities

The following scholarship opportunity links are updated on an annual basis.  If you find that the information is not current, check back.

Bruce Field Scholarship: The Bruce Field Agriculture Award is sponsored annually by the Central New York Farm Progress Show, Inc. and offers $300 to a graduating senior boy and girl who reside in Herkimer County to be used to further their education in agriculture. Bruce Field was a past Agriculture Extension Agent and first Team Leader of the Herkimer/Oneida County Dairy Team.  He was always willing to pass on his agricultural knowledge to anyone who listened and was interested in the youth of our area feeling “they are the future of agriculture.”  Bruce’s untimely death stopped his personal education endeavors, but this award, in his memory, will help a boy and girl in Herkimer County follow his path. Applications must be submitted to Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County by May 1st and are available through local high school guidance offices or by calling Cornell Cooperative Extension at (315) 866-7920, or by downloading Bruce Field Application. View Guidelines Here


Alicia Kennedy Memorial Scholarship: A 4-H scholarship has been set up in memory of Alicia Kenney by the Merry Moos 4-H Club.  Applications can be obtained by calling the 4-H Office or by downloading the application form. See guidelines for eligibility. Scholarships will be in the amount of $100.  Applications due to the 4-H Office by May 1st.


New York State Guernsey Youth Dairy Achievement Award: This award program is sponsored by the New York State Guernsey Breeders Association.  A letter from your Cooperative Extension County 4-H Educator of FFA Advisor OR a representative of the Breed Association (not your parent) must also be submitted electronically as part of your application for this award.  Please submit application and all letters together in one email.  If you wish, you may attach one page (one side only) of photographs showing you involved in dairy activities.  New York State Guernsey Achievement Application.  Please email your application and letter to Allison Littlefield Widrick at  If you do not have access to email, please mail to Alison Widrick, 27743 Three Mile Point Rd, Chaumont, NY 13622.  Deadline to apply: March 1st.  Please note: A previous State Winner is ineligible to win again.


New York State Guernsey Calf Award: The Calf Scholarship Award Program is sponsored by the New York State Guernsey Breeders Association for the purpose of encouraging those who do not presently own Guernseys to become involved with the Guernsey Breed.  A purebred Guernsey Calf will be awarded to the applicant who shows interest in the Guernsey breed and who has demonstrated the capabilities of developing the animal to its fullest potential.  Applicant must be age 9-15 as of January 1 of application year.  Award will be presented to the winner at the New York State Guernsey Breeders’ Annual Meeting in April. 2025 NYS Guernsey Calf Scholarship Application.  Please email your application to Seth and Amber Ripley at  If you do not have access to email, contact the 4-H office and we will submit it for you.  Deadline to apply: February 15th.


NYS Brown Swiss Calf Scholarship: The purpose of this award is to reward one applicant who demonstrates the interest and competence to care and develop the animal to its fullest potential, to learn from this project, and to promote the breed while attending shows.  Applicant must be age 9-15 as of January 1 of application year, and not own Brown Swiss of their own.  Winner will be announced/notified on or about April 10th.  If you are selected as the winner, you are required to exhibit this animal for 2 consecutive years at your local fair and at the New York State Fair. NYS Brown Swiss Calf Scholarship Application.  All applications are due March 1st. Please send your completed application to: Brooke Smithling, 3153 Algerine St, Stanley, NY 14561.  If you have any questions, contact Brooke at 315-406-3352.


Betsy’s Calf – New York State Jersey Cattle Club: A scholarship of up to $1000 will be awarded to a deserving youth between the ages of 8 and 16 (as of January 1 of the current year) to purchase a registered jersey calf. Preference is given to youth that live in New York state and do not currently own a jersey. The following requirements are due by March 1st to 1. Application available here, 2. A recommendation letter from someone that knows you (4-H leader, 4-H educator, FFA Advisor, teacher, jersey breeder, etc.), 3. Parent acknowledgement.  Additional requirement due by January 15th of the following two years to Lynda Lehr: A letter to the New York Jersey Club with an update on your calf (where did you purchase her, what is her pedigree, how have you cared for her, what shows did you attend what have you learned, and what your future plans are.  A picture of you and your calf.  For questions contact Junior Activities Chairman: Lynda Lehr at 315-857-7161 or or NY Jersey Club President: Sandy Ferry Scott at 518-522-3321 or


The Mendyka Family Scholarship offers scholarships to high school seniors and students already enrolled in college or other post high school programs who are looking to become First Responders (Police, Fire Fighters, EMTs) or K-12 Teachers.  The deadline for the application is May 1st.  More information and application available here.


New York Farm Bureau Free Student Membership for 4-H members who are Juniors and Seniors in high school.  Read more information about it here.


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