4-H Club Information

Club Charters – Please remember. In order to be a bona fide 4-H Club, you must fulfill these requirements:
● You must have an Organizational Leader.
● You must elect officers (not required for Cloverbud club).
● You must have at least 5 members or 5 Cloverbuds from 3 different families currently enrolled.
● You must have the Program Planning Sheet completed for the 4-H year.

Fundraising – Please remember when you are doing fundraising in the name of 4-H, you need to:
● Fill out the “Fundraising Request” form and have it approved by Jennifer Collins before you can do ANY fundraising.
● There must be a PURPOSE for the 4-H fundraising. You CAN NOT fund-raise just to have money in your 4-H account.

Club Secretary Reports are due to the 4-H Office the 5th of every month.
Traditional Club Secretary Report Form (Download Word Form)
Cloverbud Club Leader Monthly Report Form (Download Word Form)

Club Planning – Download and do a ‘save as’, fill out, and send completed form to herkimer4h@cornell.edu
Club Program Planning Sheet
Fundraising Guidelines and Request form
Club Activity Dos and Don’ts

Year End Completion – Download and do a ‘save as’, fill out, and send completed form to herkimer4h@cornell.edu
Year end CLUB Completion Sheet
4-H Traditional Member Year End Completion Sheet
Cloverbud Year End Completion Sheet

Enrollment Fees: The yearly charge for each member is $10 with a maximum of $25 per family. There is no charge for adult volunteers.

4-H Online: For re-enrolling 4-H members and leaders:  You can also register through the 4-H Online website. Enrollment Instructions for Herkimer County and 4-H Online 2.0 detailed instructions.  Please check all the information and update as needed.  Be sure to enter which projects your members and volunteer leaders want to enroll in this year.  Forms will be available from the 4-H office.

For late re-enrollments after November 1, the fee will be $15 per member. After December 31, the fee will go up to $25 per member. The family discount ends November 1.

4-H Member Code of Conduct / Acknowledgement of Risk / Photo Release / Consent Form(Download, do a ‘Save As’, fill out, and upload to 4-H Online)
Volunteer Code of Conduct & Photo Release(Download, do a ‘Save As’, fill out, and upload to 4-H Online)

Volunteer Application
Volunteer Enrollment Form
Volunteer Consent-Authorization Form
Permission Slip and Medical Release Form (for leaders to keep)

4-H Club Reorganization Meetings

Workshops: due to the rising costs of materials we will be requesting payment upon registration for any workshops, clinics, events etc. Registration confirmed after payment received and no refunds after sign-up deadline.

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