4-H Quiz Bowls, Livestock Skillathons, Dairy Challenge, and Hippology

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge of the dairy, horse, and/or livestock industries?  4-H quiz bowls, Livestock Skillathon, Dairy Challenge, and Hippology can help do just that.  Contact Jennifer to let her know you are interested in participating in workshops, practices, and contests.  At regional contests, you compete to go on to the state level.  Have amazing knowledge in these areas?  You could be one of the top 4 in NYS to participate in National Contests held in Harrisburg, PA, Louisville, KY, and Madison, WI.  Some spring dates to get on your calendar:

March 1 – District Horse Quiz Bowl

March 8 – Dairy Dairy Quiz Bowl

March 28-29 – Dairy Discovery at Cornell University (for teens 14-19 years of age)

April 5 – NYS Horse Quiz Bowl

April 5 – District Horse Communications

April 26 – NYS Dairy Quiz Bowl

May 3 – Animal Crackers at Cornell University (for youth 8-12 years of age)


Check out the NYS 4-H Animal Science website to see all that is happening throughout NYS. 

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