Upcoming field crop production programs from CCE


Cover crop management and termination

Feb 9, 2021 12:30-2:15

John Wallace, Penn State weed specialist  and Mike Hunter NCNY CCE team agronomist will discuss residual herbicides used in corn and soybean production and their impact on fall seeded cover crops as well as herbicide selection to terminate spring cover crops.

1.0 NYSDEC credits 1.0 CCA credits 1.5 PM

Registration is REQUIRED to be eligible for credits!

Register – https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/cover_230

Compaction management video conference

Feb 16, 2021   12:30-1:40

An agronomist from Ontario, Canada will discuss sources of compaction in field crop production, technologies and practices that can reduce compaction.

CCA credits TBD

You MUST register to be eligible for credits!

Fee $10

Register – https://ncrat.cce.cornell.edu/event_preregistration_new.php?id=1440

Video of a no-till planter and discussion of its components – video conference

Feb 23, 2021   12:30-1:40

The components of a no till planter are discussed in this video. To be followed by a Q/A session including CCE staff and no-till farmers.

CCA credits available

You MUST register to be eligible for credits!

Register – https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/notill_230

Soil Health Practices in Dairy Systems   – video conference

March 2, 2021  12:30-1:40

This seminar features a farmer panel who share their experiences adopting reduced and no-till and cover crops.  Changes in practices and adaptations for improvement are described. Panelists share the detail of practices used such as interseeding, seeding mixes, and tillage. Benefits include reduction is soil compaction and improved infiltration.

Panelists include Forrest Watson of Mulligan Farm in Livingston County, Ryan Akin of Hemdale Farms in Ontario County and Jason Burroughs of Aurora Ridge Dairy in Cayuga County. The panel is moderated by Janice Degni, Cornell Cooperative Extension Field Crops Specialist from the South-Central NY Dairy and Field Crops Program.

CCA credits available
you MUST register to receive credits!

Fee $10

Register – https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pc-itqjwvHdBUWcplSaTc5WFjb9UH6Gqj

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