U.S. and N.Y. Corn, Soybean ratings continue to be dismal, USDA crop progress report

While all of the corn crop is still not planted, the first U.S. soybean crop condition rating of the year is sharply below a year ago’s rating.



In its Crop Progress Report Monday, the USDA pegged U.S. corn planting at 96% complete, behind the 100% five-year average. New York is 75% planted behind last year’s 93% at the same time.

The planting rate is below what the trade had expected.

In its report, the USDA pegged the corn crop as in 56% good/excellent condition, below last week’s 59% rating.

As of Monday, New York’s corn crop was rated 38% good, 16% excellent.

Also, 55% of NY corn has emerged vs. a 82% five-year average.


In its report, the USDA pegged the U.S. soybean planting completion rate at 85% vs. a 97% five-year average. New York is 66% planted this week vs. 92% last year and 86% 5 year average.

The nation’s crop is rated as 54% good/excellent vs. a 73% rating at this time a year ago. New York is rated 41% good, 12% excellent.

Also, 35% of the NY soybean crop has emerged vs. 68% five-year average.


The USDA pegged the NY winter wheat heading at 75% vs. 80% last year.

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