Delaware County Corn Dry Down Results – 9/25/2014

From Dale Dewing, Watershed Team Leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County, (607) 865-7090,

Below are the results of the Corn Dry Down Day in South Kortright on Thursday, 9/25.   Ear maturity was on the average more advanced than last week, but dry matter was still below suggested levels for harvest on all the samples we tested.  Leaf disease was more prevalent this week, with all samples having at least some evidence of disease.

Two pairs of samples in the table below are from the same field; the town of Meredith field marked with ɫ is the only filed tested both weeks, the town of Stamford field marked with * was sampled in a gravely area and a loamy area.  Both pairs of samples had differences in maturity, disease rating, and DM.

Remember, the conventional wisdom is that the actual moisture, when the whole filed is harvested, will be about two (2) points wetter than what we get with our small samples.

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