Come see the improvements made to Cutler Botanic Garden

stone wall and steps
Rebuilt retaining wall along the Perennial Garden

We are excited to show you the improvements that have been recently made at Cutler Botanic Garden.  Thanks to a generous grant from a local philanthropic organization, we were able to make some significant infrastructure investments to areas of the garden.  Landscape architects from Delta Engineers were contracted to design area improvements that not only enhance the aesthetics of the garden but add to the comfort and safety of our visitors and volunteers.

In September of 2023 construction began on the stone retaining walls of the Perennials, Heath & Heather and Rock Garden areas.

stone wall along Rock Garden
Stone wall along the Rock Garden

NJE Tree and Landscaping Service constructed over 300 feet of dry laid stone retaining walls, steps and landings.

Concurrently, work began on the reconstruction of the water feature located in the Native Habitat area.  A “pond-less”, recirculating water fall with multiple spills made of much more robust stone was installed to replace the existing system. The multiple spills create more places for wildlife to access water and the pond–less design will be easier to maintain.  Water feature is operational mid-April through mid-October.

water fall
Improved water feature in the Native Habitat area


A new event space was created at the rear of the Agricultural Development Center building which houses the Taste NY Store.  This space, able to accommodate a 20’ X 30’ tent, will be rentable for various occasions as soon as the turf has established in the summer/fall of 2024.

new event space
Event space located at the rear of the Ag Development Center and Taste NY

A hardscape labyrinth was designed and created to fit into an existing lawn space.  It replaces a seasonal labyrinth that was designed with spring flowering bulbs in the far field of CBG.  Only temporarily visible, it was redesigned to be permanent and moved to a more central garden area, open for anyone to enjoy year round.  A metal sculpture is planned for the center plinth.

In that far field, about 5,000 square feet of lawn, we installed a wildflower meadow.  The turf was removed in 2 large islands within the space, keeping turf grass pathways around the perimeter and through the center.  This will reduce the amount of mowing needed and provide critical habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects as well as the birds, mammals and amphibians that rely on them.  Seeded in the fall of 2023, the meadow will take about 3 years to fully develop, but we anticipate it to become an ecological asset, an attraction to the garden as well as a model for landowners and municipalities.

aerial view of labyrinth
Aerial view of new hardscape labyrinth
wildflower meadow
Wildflower meadow seeded in fall 2023








In addition to those more obvious improvements, more practical infrastructure enhancements were also made.  Water hydrants were replaced, moved or added and pavement repairs were performed throughout the walkways of the garden.

Plans are currently underway to add plant material and new signage to the various spaces created with the reconstruction of these areas this spring.  Come and see all that Cutler Botanic Garden has to offer.  Free and open to the public everyday dawn to dusk.