Opportunities at Cornell University
We offer regular seminars throughout the year – open to everyone – that describe cancer research in lay language. Many are led by doctoral students and others are led by established researchers and clinicians at Cornell and elsewhere.
In the Spring semester, we offer a class that combines cancer research seminars with sessions designed to teach science communication to students. The public is especially encouraged to attend the research seminars, and is welcome at any or all sessions.
Primer Sessions
When we have guest speakers on campus, we often have a pre-talk “Primer,” led by doctoral students and post-docs, that outline the area of research that will be discussed by the guest lecturer.
Speaker’s Bureau
We often receive requests from classes to arrange a panel discussion on the human side of cancer. Classes have included, Cancer for Engineers, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Ethics, and Medical Sociology. Would you like to participate? Please send an email to RNR45@cornell.edu.
Cancer Support Group
The Cancer Resource Center and Cornell Work/Life sponsor a cancer support group that meets the second Wednesday of each month from Noon – 1:00 in Weill Hall 321. Open to faculty, staff, students, and retirees who have been diagnosed with or have cancer are welcome. For more information, contact Monica Vakiner or Bob Riter.
Cornell Faculty
Here’s a list of many of the Cornell faculty involved in cancer research in Ithaca. You’ll meet many of them!
Several advocates from Ithaca have participated in national research programs. Like to learn more? Bob Riter and Monica Vakiner are happy to share their experiences.
Everyone is welcome to subscribe to the Cancer Community Partnership listserv and receive notices of upcoming events and programs by sending a blank email to cancer-community-partnership-l-request@cornell.edu. Write “join” in the subject line and leave the rest of the message blank.