The treasurer is called upon for financial and strategic planning regarding the class funds. They should:
- Review the class account statements for accuracy and understand all entries of income and expense
- Review and/or approve requests from officers for reimbursements related to their volunteer work
- Collaborate with the class president to determine what are acceptable uses of treasury funds and where caps must exist
- Provide reports to class officers as needed or preferably twice per year
- Provide insight and recommendations on how to use surplus class funds:
- Engagement of classmates / gatherings / parties / athletic events / club events
- Support 50th reunion and older
- Support of officer training / CALC / RKO
- Support of officer recognition – year 5
- Mentoring younger classes
- Add to scholarships / endowments
- Fund class projects
- After the 60th Reunion, the class will complete a treasury disposition form (a “class will”) that will determine how they will disburse any remaining class monies after they celebrate their 80th Reunion.