Reunion Website Communications Guidelines

There will be a few times during the next year when your website community manager/social media chair will need to update your class/group website and social media outlets to add Reunion‐related content. The following is a guideline for what should be added and when, along with a few best practices to help ensure that classmates will be able to easily find and understand the information they need to make decisions about attending their Reunion.


  • Post Reunion dates prominently
  • If applicable, share Reunion dates on your group’s social media outlets
  • Consider a dedicated Reunion page on your class website
  • Reunion content should include:
    • Location of your class/group headquarters on campus and hotel information
    • Names and contact information of the Reunion chairs
    • Link to the university Reunion website:


  • Post class/group specific bullets from your January mailing on your website or social media


  • Post electronic copies of your class/group registration brochure
  • Post link to online registration or share on social media
  • List name and contact information of your Registration chair


  • Post‐Reunion: share memories with your classmates via photos and messages about the success of Reunion
  • Continue to post the link to the university Reunion website, directing classmates to great Reunion recap information, including news articles, photos, and videos of major events

Other tips

  • Key contact information
    Your website should list contact information for key committee members – your affinity chair, registration chair, nominations chair, and class Reunion campaign chairs in addition to your Reunion chair(s).
  • Personalize your content
    Provide details but don’t overload the site. Anything that can spark nostalgia, such as a “remember when” list or photos from previous Reunions, will effectively market Reunion. Likewise, anything special that your class has done during the past year, or any major effort on campus with which your class is involved, can be included.
  • Consider adding a class/group-specific Reunion FAQ section
    Having a Reunion FAQ will provide classmates with quick access to answers to the most often asked questions – your housing, parking, attire, etc. – and will cut down on your time answering them. This is especially helpful if you are sending a registration postcard rather than a brochure. In addition, be sure to point classmates to the university Reunion website for general Reunion and campus information.