
While the president is responsible for overall leadership and coordination, the treasurer is typically the most called upon officer for financial and strategic planning purposes. The treasurer must be broadly available to all officers, as many class activities incorporate finances in one way or another. Guided by the treasurer, each class should establish its own policies concerning officer expenses. It is the treasurer’s responsibility to make sure that all officers know the answers to the following questions: What are allowable expenses? Will the class pick up the cost of meals and drinks when officers meet or when officers meet with classmates? Will the class pay for registration fees to encourage officers to attend meetings, Reunions, and conferences such as CALC? Will the class reimburse officers for phone calls and travel expenses? Does the class have a dollar limit for these reimbursements? For accuracy, the treasurer must review the class and Reunion account statements in the Kuali financial system. They should understand all income and expense entries, paying particular attention to copying, mailing, and Reunion-related expenses.

Check out the class treasury management resources for more information.