Nominations Chair

Succession planning is an important function of a class’s governance, particularly during the fourth and fifth year of the class cycle. The nominations chair leads the nominations efforts for the class, helping to recruit and select leaders to serve as future class officers or council members. The nominations chair must be someone who is knowledgeable about the class and its history, is unbiased, and has the best interests of the class in mind. The nominations chair should not have any intentions of holding an executive class officer role. Additionally, this person should be a strong leader who can delegate well and has time to devote to running the nominations process. A past president is an ideal candidate.

The nominations chair establishes the nominations committee, reviews the class officer list and class constitution, and contacts existing officers to determine who will continue, roll off, or change roles. The nominations chair should utilize the CUVolunteer site, which provides volunteers an opportunity to search engagement opportunities throughout the university, as part of the nominations process. This includes reviewing self-nominations, nominations made by others, and slating of officers.  They should also encourage class officers and classmates to build their profile in CUVolunteer. The nominations chair should utilize many platforms to recruit new officers, including via email, on social media, and on the class website.

Visit the nominations and CUVolunteer page for additional guidance.