Cornell Annual Fund Representative

The Cornell Annual Fund representative, in partnership with the Cornell Annual Giving Programs staff, provides leadership over the elected five-year period by encouraging all classmates to support Cornell with a gift every year, and highlight the importance of gifts to the Cornell Annual Funds.

To accomplish this on an annual basis, the Cornell Annual Fund representative is encouraged to:

  • Make your own annual gift with at least a portion designated to one of our 22 Annual Funds.
  • Understand the case for supporting Cornell and the Cornell Annual Funds, and articulate why they make gifts to the university.
  • Incorporate messages on giving into the class website (including a link to Cornell’s “Make a Gift” web page and Giving Day), membership mailings, Cornell Alumni Magazine class notes, and other appropriate class correspondence.
  • Ensure that all class officers make a gift to Cornell every year.
  • Report fundraising results to classmates at or in advance of the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference (CALC).
  • Send at least three emails per year to classmates stressing the importance of their annual support.
  • Contact classmates who have given gifts to Cornell and thank them for their support (particularly those who may not have been thanked by others).
  • Assist Cornell Annual Giving Programs staff in identifying Reunion campaign leadership and volunteers.
  • Identify new classmates with the potential to make a leadership level gift now, or in the next Reunion campaign.
  • Send fiscal year-end email to classmates sharing results.
  • For some AF Reps, serve on a Regional Campaign committee to solicit leadership level gifts to the Cornell Annual Fund.

Annual Fund Staff Liaison Commitment

  • Communicate clearly the expectation for the Class Outreach Program and support representatives throughout the year.
  • Provide monthly reports to support stewardship efforts.
  • Provide draft messages for class outreach.
  • Provide updates on class officer giving.
  • Provide appropriate background information to assist with any assigned contacts, including gift histories and specified ask amounts where appropriate.
  • Provide informational updates on a regular basis, including notification about recent gifts from individuals assigned to you.
  • Provide ongoing support, including additional training and updates on the program as needed.

Contact Braden Studelska at with any questions.