Congratulations on a successful Reunion! The 5-year cycle has started over, and you have new class officers and council members on board.
Set goals and establish your 5-year plan. Do you want to host more regional events? Work on updating bad addresses? Broaden classmates’ engagement by strengthening your affinity groups? Decide what goals you have and begin to map out a plan for each year leading up to Reunion.
Define class officer roles. Many classes adjust their officer roles to fit their unique needs. Adding a social media chair, a diversity chair, or combining roles like historian and secretary might make sense for your class.
Additional Responsibilites
- Transfer class information and history from outgoing officers to incoming officers
- Review class constitution and by-laws and revise or create as needed
- Become familiar with the various resources and training materials provided by Alumni Affairs
- Get to know the other officers, CACO contacts, and Alumni Affairs staff contacts
- Build your profile on the CUVolunteer website and join your class community
- Review class treasury and set financial goals
- Develop strategies to strengthen class engagement
- Determine annual membership plan for dues solicitation
- Create communication plan and update class website and social media channels
- Share Reunion successes and look for ways to capitalize on Reunion momentum
- Make sure class website, blogs, and social media pages are up-to-date with new officer list and display photos and stories from your recent Reunion
- Reach out to classmates with bad addresses/email addresses via email, social media, class blogs, LinkedIn, or other platforms. Classmates can update their own information on the Alumni Directory.