New Jersey’s Wonder Woman: How a Sense of Community and Responsibility Help Our Leadership

The Guest Who? Podcast with Felix Blanco explores the stories and the personality of our community leaders. In this episode, we dive into the story of Assemblywoman Linda S. Carter, known as the Wonder Woman of New Jersey. She won re-election the same year she was appointed in 2018. We talk about how her leadership form started at the church and how it has evolved through her experiences as an educator and in the City Council. We unpack current topics about Black women representation, COVID, and the 2020 Election. No sponsors, but welcomed.


Below is a summary to the podcast:

[ASRC 3206] Podcast Summary Blanco


“New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus 2018 Members.” The New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus,
“Biography.” Linda Carter,
Youtube, 2015,
“Ep. 24 | Linda Carter.” YouTube, YouTube, 26 Sept. 2018,
Linda S. Carter (D),

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