Trailblazer of the Southside- Alderwoman Michelle Harris

Alderwoman Michelle A. Harris

The black woman political leader I chose to highlight for this final assignment is Alderwoman Michelle A. Harris who presides over the 8th ward in Chicago’s south side neighborhoods. Some of her most notable accomplishments include being the first African American woman chair of the Chicago City Council’s Rules Committee as well as investing millions of dollars in local schools and parks, yielding the nickname the “Parks Queen”. Mrs. Harris was a primary option for me to interview as a result of her close connectedness with my father as a friend and alumnus of the same high school as my mother. This close connectedness was not only a relevant factor in reaching her, but it remains a hallmark of her efforts in her capacity as an alderwoman.

What distinguishes Alderwoman Harris from other political figures in Chicago is the intimacy and impact she’s able to establish and sustain with local stakeholders. Bringing the unique perspective to the table as a resident of the neighborhood she now governs, gives her a distinct conception of change in this space. Her roots have always been deep in politics as she was exposed early on to organizations such as the 8th Ward Regular Democratic Organization. As a mother, wife, and niece of a past politician, she draws from motivations beyond comprehension. She is very spiritually grounded and that stems from both her upbringing in the church and her spirituality maturation that has led to the formation of her moral compass. She leverages and utilizes this moral compass in all that she does.

Overall, she seemed to have a very mindful and mature perspective on things which is demonstrated through her consciousness of the  weight associated with words. Further, she speaks heavily on the role her family plays in being a support system for her. She described the work that she does as impossible if she didn’t have the backing and support of her family.

In her concluding words, she described herself as just an individual who by the fate of God happened to be in the right place at the right time and she confirmed that she stands on the shoulders of so many people in the community that have helped her to shine.


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