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Promotion in the Military

Tim Marr writes: In light of our recent class discussions on the implications of the sequester, coupled with limited access to researchers investigating my paper topic of gentrification in Washington, I’ll be discussing my experiences at the 21st Century Defense Initiative Symposium held by the Brookings Institute. The vast majority of speakers and attendees of […]

Presentation Assignment Sheet (Both Classes)

Assignment Sheet for Presentation The presentation assignment consists of three parts. 1. You will give a presentation (as one of three people per session) on your topic to an audience consisting of your fellow students and at least one tutor. You will have 15 minutes to explain your research project and its conclusions. Your aim […]

Rough Draft Assignment Sheet for Politics and Policy

Rough Draft Assignment Sheet This is where you begin to pull everything together. The rough draft should be your first attempt at writing a complete account of your semester’s research and analysis. It will have these main parts: 1. A draft abstract to start things off: 200 words summarizing the research question, the research, and […]

The Receiving End

Sarah Allibhoy writes: Since my last post, I have made some changes to my research and approach. The central issues that I drew out remain relevant, but in beginning to look further at existing research data, I have realized a different method will provide a more in-depth picture of the questions I am interested in […]

Student Energy: As Practical as it is Renewable

Erin Noonan writes: As nearly 50,000 people shouted, “Hey Obama / We don’t want no climate drama,” I felt proud to be involved with last month’s Forward On Climate Rally, and to consider myself an environmental youth activist. Of the 140 buses that made the trip, nearly a third were packed with college students, representing […]

Super PACs and Federal Elections

Daniel Broll writes: Following the controversial Supreme Court decision of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010, many academicians and politicians have speculated what the effects of this ruling would have on framing the modern political environment. In its ruling, the Supreme Court lifted a longstanding ban on corporations and unions that prohibited them […]

Small Business Health Insurance

Luigi Crevoisier writes: For my second blog post, I attended a seminar on the affordability of health insurance for small businesses in Utah. This seminar was organized at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where Utah’s Governor Gary Herbert talked about the successful health insurance exchange for small employers in his state. [3] The topic of […]

Actors Facilitating Africa’s Industrial Growth

Theresa Anoje writes: The root of my desire to research the growth of industry in Africa was my frustration with the dialogue involving Africa’s future economic prospects and wellbeing. It seems that the discussion always resolves around humanitarian aid, aid to governments, aid—basically, that other countries have to perpetually take care of the continent because […]

Foreseeing the Unforeseeable in China

Jiali Li writes: The fevered atmosphere surrounding the recent Chinese leadership succession in November 2012 was reflected by another round of discussion on the possibility of regime transitions in China. Regime transitions can usually be clearly explained with various societal observations while the anticipation of their timings has always been impossible. Often when there were […]

NGOs and Haiti

Kyu-Ri Lee writes: I was not able to personally interview someone, but I was lucky to find an episode in the New Internationalist podcast series, which featured one of the most critical actors for my research topic— actually, the author of a book that I will be using for my research paper. Mark Schuller is […]

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Cornell in Washington is a semester and summer program that brings undergraduates to DC to intern and take classes. These are their analyses of their experiences. For help with your internship hunt, go here.
