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Voter ID Laws: The Minority Perspective

Jared Ham writes: In researching voter ID laws and their effect on voter turnout, particularly that of minority groups (e.g., African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans), I found very little literature that discussed the perspective of those who voter ID laws affect the most. The literature broadly categorizes the people affected by voter ID laws; […]

Interview with Member of PRS Legislative Research

Ratnika Prasad writes: In my first post, I had mentioned some statistics that I had gathered from PRS Legislative Research to introduce the idea of the decline of the Lok Sabha, India’s national legislature. For my second post, I decided to try speaking with an employee at PRS in order to get a better understanding […]

Sino Cyber War

Zoe Valette writes: China is sparking concern and making headlines worldwide with its growing cyber war capacities—which many have deemed a “formidable concern”[1]—the strategic location and expanse of its territory, which it is now pushing to expand in the Senkaku island disputes,[2] the dynamism, depth, and national fervor of its people, its recent naval and […]

Friday Presentation

In preparation for the guest speaker on Friday (at noon), please take a look at the following: Chollet Biography Appointment DOD Org Chart Think about a question that you’d like to ask ASD Chollet.

Choose Options For Your Conference Presentation Time

Rebuilding Haiti?

Gabriela Babin writes: On January 10, 2013 the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars marked the third anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti by inviting the Haitian Ambassador to the US, Paul Altidor, to identify the remaining challenges in Haiti’s reconstruction. In this two-hour seminar, Altidor, along with the Pan American Development Foundation’s Habitat […]

An Economic Analysis of Iranian Sanctions

Devin Hegelein writes: This past week, on March 8th, I had to opportunity to sit in on a Capitol Hill hearing, “Sanctions and the Financial Sector, Implementation of Financial Sanctions on Iran”, which featured a contingency from Ernst and Young, a “Big Four” accounting firm. The hearing began by the team from Ernst and Young […]

Testimony on Arizona’s SB 1070

Alex Pittaro writes: The most recent Congressional hearing on Arizona’s SB 1070 law illustrated the contention that exists over the controversial state law. On April 24th, 2012 the Senate Judiciary Committee invited legal, employer, legislature and immigration group speakers to comment on the purposes of the law. While this hearing occurred before the provision outlawing […]

Government Sponsored Entities

Andre Gardiner writes: On March 14, 2013, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a housing discussion moderated by AEI resident scholar Edward Pinto. The panelists were brought together to discuss a paper recently published by Thomas White and Charlie Wilkins, of Seachange Consulting Group and Compass Group respectively, on the role of role of government […]

Cato Institute: Effects of “Citizens United” Ruling

Daniel Broll writes: On January 23, 2013, the Cato Institute hosted a panel discussion on the effects of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling on recent federal elections. The discussion was spilt into two panels: one focused on what changes have emerged as a result of the court’s decision and the other focused […]

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