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Blog Post Assignment Sheet for American Experience Course

You must write two blog posts on aspects of your research topic. They will both be 500-700 words and will be published on the Cornell in Washington weblog. Your post will be published during two different weeks but both will be before spring break. We will schedule the posts during class on 1/31. When you finish the post, you will send the post to me and I will grade it and put it up on the weblog.

The specific requirements:

1. The first post must explain your topic with detail in the first half and then outline the archives in DC that will be useful for your research, what they are, why you think they will be useful, and what you will look for when you get there.

2. The second post will be a report back from one of those archives. You will go to the archive, gain access, and report back on the information you found and how (or not!) it was useful.


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Cornell in Washington is a semester and summer program that brings undergraduates to DC to intern and take classes. These are their analyses of their experiences. For help with your internship hunt, go here.
