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Presentation Assignment Sheet (Both Classes)

Assignment Sheet for Presentation

The presentation assignment consists of three parts.

1. You will give a presentation (as one of three people per session) on your topic to an audience consisting of your fellow students and at least one tutor. You will have 15 minutes to explain your research project and its conclusions. Your aim in this part of the presentation is to give a clear and detailed view of your project. For the Politics and Policy folks that means laying out your research question, why it’s important, your variables, your hypothesis, a brief summary of your data, what the results were, and the policy implications. For the American Experience folks, this means laying out the historical background to your study, why your work is important, the narrative of your project, and your conclusion.

There will be a podium and a whiteboard for use, but Powerpoint is not allowed.

2. You will answer questions from the audience about your topic.

3. You will attend at least two other presentation sessions (one of those can be the keynote). Asking good questions will help your class participation grade. The signup sheet for attendance will be posted after the panel schedule is created.

Your grade will be based on how effectively you do #1 primarily and #2 secondarily. The requirement in #3 is not graded, but could have a negative effect on your overall grade for the presentation.

We will schedule presentation slots on April 25-26 in the next few weeks. The sessions will be all day Thursday and a half day Friday.


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