If you want to confirm your diagnosis or need additional diagnostic help:
- Diseases and nematodes: Cornell Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic or your local Cooperative Extension Office.
- Insects: Cornell Insect Diagnostic laboratory or your local Cooperative Extension Office.
- Nutrient deficiencies: Soil and/or foliar analysis through Agro-One.
Use these resources to help solve your problem:
- Consult the Cornell Pest Management Guidelines for Berry Crops, available in hard copy or fee-based electronic version.
- For detailed information on management of berry problems, consult production guides (formerly available through NRAES and PALS Publishing) for blueberries, strawberries and raspberries/blackberries.
- Consult the Organic Production and IPM Guides for strawberries, blueberries or raspberries and blackberries.
- Visit the Cornell Fruit Website – Berries website, which includes additional information and features webinars on insect pest and disease management.
- For an overview of plant physiology in response to biotic and abiotic injury, consult A Systematic Approach to Diagnosing Plant Damage.
- Contact your local office of Cornell Cooperative Extension.