SWD Update – First trap captures reported in many locations across NY State

SWD male with black spots on wing tips (top) and female with dark, serrated ovipositor (bottom). Captured in jar trap and viewed under dissecting microscope.

Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) first trap captures have been reported in many locations throughout NY state over the past two weeks. First captures were reported the week of 5/27 in Albany, Dutchess and Suffolk Counties. And first captures were reported the week of 6/3 in Clinton, Columbia, Schuyler, Washington, and Ontario Counties.

First captures are somewhat earlier than has been reported in the past. This is especially true compared to last season (2023), in which first trap captures for many locations were recorded nearly two weeks later than average. This highlights the need for site and season specific monitoring efforts to initiate management programs at the appropriate time.

SWD male on red sticky card trap.

We attribute early trap captures primarily to environmental conditions. In 2023, the spring was cool and dry, conditions which are less conducive to insect development. In 2024, most of NY State experienced a mild winter, with early warming. Degree day accumulations have been as much as two weeks earlier than 15-30 year averages). In addition, greater than average precipitation has been recorded across the northeast. More information on seasonal averages can be found on the Cornell Climate Smart Farming Degree Day Calculator and the Northeast Regional Climate Center website. Warmer and wetter than average conditions continue to be forecasted for much of the region this season. Seasonal outlooks can be found on the NOAA Climate Prediction Center website.

Site-specific monitoring is also important in order to account for microclimates that exist from site to site, and the impact on insect development. In the past Dr. Juliet Carroll and others documented earlier first trap captures for sites near Lake Ontario, while inland site first captures were as much as 5-6 weeks later (more information in this webinar recording of Summer Insect Management in Cherry found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jqlUE-nepI. New this year, the new Berry Pest Monitoring Network and Map display more precise locations, as compared to county level reporting in the past. This will help account for local microclimates. Exact GPS locations are truncated to protect privacy, and instead only display township level information. 

For more updates and reminders on SWD management for 2024 you can read our recent blog post here.

Cumulative SWD trap capture map as of June 7, with red circles showing positive trap captures in 2024 at specific locations and grey circles showing monitoring locations where SWD has not yet been reported. GPS coordinates have been truncated to show only approximate locations, to protect privacy.

Weekly trap captures by location 

Location Week of 5/27 Week of 6/3
Albany1 10 9
Clinton1 0 4
Columbia2 0 9
Essex3 0 0
HV Fishkill – Dutchess6 2 21
HV Red Hook – Columbia3 0 2
LO1 – Niagara4 0 0
LO2 – Orleans2 0 0
Orleans4 0 0
Schuyler6 0 3
Suffolk1 4
Tioga4 0 0
Tompkins4 0 0
Washington1 0 1
Washington2 0 2
Wayne11 0 0
Wayne13 0 0
WNY Geneva – Ontario6 0 5