Link to NY and other USDA Market reports
(Funds to support the NYS Market News program come from New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets project “Stocker cattle: Using underutilized grasslands to improve economic viability of the Southern Tier while providing viable careers for beginning farmers.”).
Cattle Auctions
Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange,
Empire BATH_2020,
Empire CHERRY CREEK 2020,
NYBPA Herd Builder Sale,
Northeast Hereford Sale ,,
USDA AMS unveils new market data platform
USDA Market News publishes market information, like price and volume, for hundreds of agricultural commodities. USDA Market News information promotes market transparency and gives farmers and businesses the tools they need to make informed business decisions.
Its latest data platform, Market Analysis & Reporting Services (MARS), provides current and historical data through its public-facing website, My Market News.
My Market News improves the quality, customization, and accessibility of Market News data. It gives you faster and greater access to detailed data sets and reports in one easy to use tool. My Market News provides endless opportunities for data analysis.
You can still go directly to the New York Market reports, however note that the address has changed. Please be sure to update your bookmarks.