Carcass ultrasound services available

The New York Beef Producer’s Association has organized two dates and locations for producers to have their cattle ultrasounded for carcass measurements. Ultrasound is a key metric in building EPDs for the seedstock producer. Just as collection of an individuals birth weight, weaning weight and yearling weight and gemomic data increase the accuracy of these EPDs, ultrasound scan data increases the accuracy  of the individuals carcass EPDs. Ultrasound data works in concert with genomic data. According to Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University “If everyone collected genomic data and not scan data we would not do a very good job of predicting carcass traits. From an industry perspective, we need a balance of genomic and scan data” (Hereford World, Feb. 2015).

Scan dates and locations:

April 8, 2015 at Warren & Brenda Bippert, 290 Four Rod Road, Alden, NY. Call  716-870-2777 for  information and reservation numbers.
April 9, 2015 at John & Anita Kriese, 4385 Itlay Hill Road, Branchport, NY. Call  315-856-0234 for information and reservation numbers.

May 2015 TBA